Filter elements- spin pack filters and gaskets

In the process of producing synthetic fibers, especially filament spinning, before polymer access to spinnerets, all the foreign substance has to be filtered. Meanwhile the polymer should be not leaked out of spin pack containers. Futai can offer you a complete set of element used inside spin pack body.

In many applications these filter elements: candle filters and discs filters are used in order to remove these tiny foreign substance, which advantage is: large filtration area to extend changing period, recycled many times after cleaning with long lifetime, especially for candle filter filament spinning.

candle filter filament
A variety of gaskets in different material and shapes are available for anytype of applications, such as spin pack, spinning pump, extruder and more as seals and for any type of fiber process.

Alloys available: aluminum, copper, antirust aluminum, alloy aluminum, stainless steel, Teflon, PTFE and more.

Spin pack filters[2]
. any layers with different mesh
. any shapes with different frame alloys available
. spot weld pack available
. different filter media

Filter elements- candle filters, disc filters and others

A large range of filter elements can be available. Our filter elements are designed to anti chemical and for multi-uses after easily handling for clean with same filter precision as new ones
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